Tumaini Legacy Fund

Our Mission

Emmanne Ministries exists to point people to Jesus through loving action and the life-giving Word. The Tumaini Legacy Fund will do this by providing valuable funds to the education system in our Kenyan communities. With a stronger educational system, the children in Emmanne sponsored villages & schools will be empowered to reach their dreams and someday give back to their communities. Since 2014, we have partnered with local schools and established children’s homes, impacting over 450 students annually. The Tumaini Legacy Fund aims to provide scholarships, teacher housing & incentives, and essential resources to ensure a brighter future for these children. Join us in transforming lives and building a sustainable future for the next generation.

Current Achievements

Scholarships for Top Students

Teacher Training and Incentives

Tutoring Support

Classroom Resources

Fund Allocations

Providing Scholarships to Emmanne children (children’s home & Kenyan staff children) and children from our sponsored villages who are going to high school, university, college or trade school.

Providing staff housing in our communities for teachers.

Equipping Emmanne sponsored schools with technology and computer classrooms.

Rewarding top teachers and students for their efforts in our sponsored schools.

Providing educational tools, programs, training and mentoring to our sponsored schools.

A Vision for the Future

We see the next generations of students being given a chance to advance in their educational goals and career dreams. If they are motivated and have the opportunity to fulfill these goals, we believe many will return and give back to our communities in tangible ways.

Our children…

The next generation of teachers in our village schools.

The storytellers and motivators for children who are watching them.

The future leaders in our region who know where they came from and where they are going.

The torch bearers of the Gospel, giving back to the communities that raised them and gave them a hope and a future.

Ultimately, these kids will someday give testimony to God’s grace and love, as expressed to them through the Tumaini Legacy Fund.


To ensure the fund is managed wisely, Emmanne Ministries has created:


Investment Policy

Distribution Policy

We have also formed a 5-member Fund committee to steward the investments and distributions, as well as set internal controls through Emmanne Board oversight & decision-making.

Join Us

Please prayerfully consider supporting the Tumaini Legacy Fund with a one-time or multi-year gift. Together we can ensure a future full of hope and opportunity for the children of Kenya.

Contact Matthew Bachali with questions